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Multiple definition errors

When an identifier or label has a defining point for a region, another identifier or label with the same spelling can't have a defining point for that region.

Multiple definition errors[6]:

      CatStrInd("Multiply defined identifier ",THIS.Sym),
This macro is defined in definitions 6 and 8.
This macro is invoked in definition 5.

MultDefChk requires the Eli Unique module, and the error reporting requires the string concatenation module:

Instantiate required modules[7]:

$/Prop/Unique.gnrc :inst
This macro is defined in definitions 7 and 19.
This macro is invoked in definition 2.

Type, field, and variable identifiers can have only one defining occurrence in their scope. Method identifiers, on the other hand, can be overloaded and therefore may have several defining occurrences.

Multiple definition errors[8]:

TREE SYMBOL TypeIdDef     INHERITS IdentOcc, TypIdDefScope, MultDefChk COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL FieldIdDef    INHERITS IdentOcc, FldIdDefScope, MultDefChk COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL VariableIdDef INHERITS IdentOcc, VarIdDefScope, MultDefChk COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL MethodIdDef   INHERITS IdentOcc, MthIdDefScope             COMPUTE
This macro is defined in definitions 6 and 8.
This macro is invoked in definition 5.

The definition of a legal assignment can be found in Section 5.2 of the Java specification.

int NoAssign(DefTableKey from, DefTableKey to, int v)[9]:
/* Determine whether assignment is legal
 *   On entry-
 *     from=type of the value
 *     to=type of the variable
 *     v=constant
 *   If the assignment is legal then on exit-
 *     NoAssign=0
 *   Else on exit-
 *     NoAssign=1
{ if (IsCoercible(from, to)) return 0;
  if (IsCoercible(from, intType) && IsCoercible(to, intType)) {
    char *vs;

    if (v == NoStrIndex) return 1;
    vs = strsub(GetUpperBound(to, "0"),StringTable(v),10);
    if (vs[0] == '-') return 1;
    vs = strsub(StringTable(v),GetLowerBound(to, "0"),10);
    if (vs[0] == '-') return 1;
    return 0;
  return 1;
This macro is invoked in definition 43.

Property definitions[10]:
LowerBound, UpperBound: CharPtr;

byteType  -> LowerBound={"-128"},   UpperBound={"127"};
shortType -> LowerBound={"-32768"}, UpperBound={"32767"};
charType  -> LowerBound={"0"},      UpperBound={"65535"};
This macro is defined in definitions 10, 16, 22, 36, and 40.
This macro is invoked in definition 3.

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