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Import files from a package

The scope of a type introduced by a class or interface declaration is the declarations of all class and interface declarations of all compilation units of the package in which it is declared. When a package declaration is encountered in a program, the compiler must make all class and interface declarations of that package available. Similarly, an import-on-demand declaration makes all of those types available.

void ImportPackage(char *pkg, DefTableKey key)[6]:
/* Import package files
 *   On entry-
 *     pkg is the name of the package whose files are to be imported
 *     key is the key under which the package's type environment
 *       is to be stored
 *     pkg has not yet been examined
 *   On exit-
 *     The package's type environment has been established and stored
 *     Its fully-qualified types have been defined in TypRootEnv
 *     The .java files in pkg have been defined in FilRootEnv
{ DIR *package;
  char cwd[MAX_PATH+1], *dir;
  struct dirent *this_entry;
  int dirlen;
  Environment env;

  if((dir = DirectoryFor(pkg, strlen(pkg))) == NULL) return;

  dirlen = strlen(dir);

  if (!getcwd(cwd, MAX_PATH+1)) {

  package = opendir(dir);
  if (!package) {

  if (chdir(dir)) {
    if (closedir(package)) (void)perror(dir);

  env = NewScope(PtyRootEnv);
  ResetPtyScope(key, env);
  ResetTypScope(key, env);

  while(this_entry = readdir(package)) {
    if ((strcmp(this_entry->d_name, ".")  != 0) &&
        (strcmp(this_entry->d_name, "..") != 0)) {
      struct stat status;

      if (stat(this_entry->d_name, &status)) {
      if (S_ISREG(status.st_mode)) {
      char *tail;

        if (tail = strchr(this_entry->d_name, '.')) {
          if (strcmp(tail, ".java") == 0) {
            Binding bind;
            int len = strlen(this_entry->d_name);

            obstack_grow(Csm_obstk, dir, dirlen);
            CsmStrPtr = obstack_copy0(Csm_obstk, this_entry->d_name, len);
            BindInScope(FilRootEnv, MakeName(CsmStrPtr));

  if (chdir(cwd)) (void)perror(cwd);
  if (closedir(package)) (void)perror(dir);
This macro is invoked in definition 9.

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