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General Information
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Eli User Interface Reference ManualThe Help FacilityA simple context-sensitive help facility is provided to describe the syntax of odin-commands and the currently available object types and parameter types. If a user types a question-mark anywhere in an odin-command, Eli provides a description of what could appear at that location in the odin-command.
Source Type HelpIf a list of the declared source object type-names is desired, a question-mark can be put in place of the extension for a file:
-> sets? ?*? Known Suffix Types: .lex_code ..... Basic symbol coding .reqmod ....... Names of required files overridable by the user .reqsym ....... Entry point symbols of required modules .dapto ........ Specification of events and messages for monitoring .delit ........ Literals to be deleted from the finite-state machine .specs ........ Set of specifications defining the desired processor .cola ......... Options for the parser generator cola .finl ......... Operations to be executed after finishing .gnrc ......... Generic module specification .head ......... Information to be prefaced to attribution modules .init ......... Operations to be executed before starting .libs ......... Libraries to include in the link .lido ......... Attribute grammar written in LIDO .perr ......... Parser error recovery information .roff ......... nroff/troff input ,eqn .......... eqn input .bib .......... TeX bibliograph database .clp .......... CLP specification .con .......... Concrete syntax .ctl .......... Control options for LIGA processing .dvi .......... Device-independent formatted file from TeX .gla .......... Structure of comments and named terminals .map .......... Concrete/Abstract syntax mapping .oil .......... OIL specification .pdl .......... PDL specification .phi .......... Files to be included at specified places .ptg .......... PTG specification .str .......... String table initialization .sym .......... Symbolic grammar mappings .tex .......... TeX formatter input .tnf .......... Specification of a hypertext document .ygi .......... input grammar for the Tregrm tree-building parser generator ,vw ........... a view-path system model .dg ........... Odin Derivation Graph .fw ........... FunnelWeb specification .ps ........... Postscript file .sm ........... system model of source code files ,v ............ RCS version control file .a ............ object library archive .f ............ Fortran77 source code .l ............ scanner grammar .y ............ YACC input This should be interpreted to mean that Eli will understand the types of the following source files (among others):
sets.specs fortran.con build.HEAD.phi
Derivation HelpIf a list of possible derivations is desired, a question-mark can be put in place of the derivation name, and Eli responds with a list of the possible object types that can appear at that position:
-> sets.specs :exe :? *?* Possible Derivations: name .......... name of a file dir ........... directory of a file exe ........... Executable program label ......... label of a file warn .......... warnings help .......... Hypertext presentation of messages warning ....... Standard presentation of warning messages error ......... Standard presentation of error messages err ........... errors filename ...... filename of a file depend ........ source dependencies profile ....... execution profile redo .......... redo this object step redo_errs ..... redo all steps with errors diff .......... differences between two files rcp ........... archive roff .......... nroff/troff input eqn ........... output from eqn tbl ........... output from tbl nroff ......... output from nroff stdout ........ standard output from a test run output ........ output files from a test run This should be interpreted to mean that Eli will understand the following derivations (among others):
sets.specs :exe :help sets.specs :exe :redo sets.specs :exe :depend
Parameterization HelpIf a list of the possible parameter types is desired, a question-mark can be put in place of the parameter, and Eli responds with a list of the possible parameter types that can appear at that position:
-> sets.specs :exe +? *?* Possible Parameters : ignore ........ Prefix of include file names to be ignored lib ........... a library name lib_sp ........ name of a directory in an library search path prof_data ..... trace file prof_flags .... prof flags default ....... default value other ......... another file f_dest ........ file destination d_dest ........ directory destination mp ............ macro package cmd ........... host command need .......... run dependency This should be interpreted to mean that Eli will understand the following derivations (among others):
sets.specs :exe +ignore ... sets.specs :exe +d_dest ... sets.specs :exe +prof_data ... A more exact form of parameter help can be specified by indicating which derivation you intend to apply to the parameterized object:
-> sets.specs :exe +? :profile *?* Possible Parameters : prof_data ..... trace file prof_flags .... prof flags This should be interpreted to mean that Eli will understand the following derivation (among others):
sets.specs :exe +prof_data=foo :profile
Since the
Variable Help
A list of the available variable names is generated in response
to the request
-> ? = Dir MaxBuilds BuildHosts Size KeepGoing History LogLevel ErrLevel WarnLevel HelpLevel VerifyLevel
A description of the possible values that can be assigned to a
given variable is generated in response to the Variable
-> LogLevel = ? 0: No log information is generated. 1: Build commands are echoed. 2: And Eli commands. 3: And names of objects with errors. 4: And names of objects generated by tool scripts. 5: And names of objects generated by internal tools. 6: And names of objects deleted. 7: And names of objects touched by broadcast.