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Tutorial on Type AnalysisOperator OverloadingWe here extend our language by binary and unary operators in order to demonstrate type analysis for expressions with overloaded operators.
Operators are overloaded in our language,
i.e. an operator symbol like
Each of the following rules associates an indication name
to the attribute Operator Indications[28]== RULE: BinOpr ::= '+' COMPUTE BinOpr.Indic = AddOp; END; RULE: BinOpr ::= '-' COMPUTE BinOpr.Indic = SubOp; END; RULE: BinOpr ::= '*' COMPUTE BinOpr.Indic = MulOp; END; RULE: BinOpr ::= '/' COMPUTE BinOpr.Indic = DivOp; END; RULE: UnOpr ::= '+' COMPUTE UnOpr.Indic = PlusOp; END; RULE: UnOpr ::= '-' COMPUTE UnOpr.Indic = NegOp; END; RULE: UnOpr ::= '!' COMPUTE UnOpr.Indic = NotOp; END; This macro is invoked in definition 34. For each of the operator indications at least one meaning is specified by one of the following operation descriptions. The first component of an operation description relates it to an indication representing the operator symbol, the second component is a unique name for the operation. The third component describes the signature of the operation expressed in terms of keys for predefined types. All names are automatically introduced as names for definition table keys. They may be used explicitly in specifications to distinguish operations, or to associate properties to them. For each language defined operator its signature is specified; operators that have the same signature can be comprised in one definition: Oil Operation Signatures[29]== OPER iAdd, iSub, iMul, iDiv (intType,intType):intType; iPlus, iNeg (intType):intType; bOr, bAnd (boolType,boolType):boolType; bNot (boolType):boolType; This macro is invoked in definition 35.
Next, we associate a set of operators to every indication.
Here, for example the INDICATION AddOp: iAdd, bOr; SubOp: iSub; MulOp: iMul, bAnd; DivOp: iDiv; PlusOp: iPlus; NegOp: iNeg; NotOp: bNot; This macro is invoked in definition 35.
The operation signatures as given above require
operands to have exactly those types. E.g.
Type analysis for binary and unary expressions needs to compute
the Operator contexts[31]== SYMBOL BinOpr INHERITS OperatorSymbol END; RULE: Expression ::= Expression BinOpr Expression COMPUTE DyadicContext (Expression[1], BinOpr, Expression[2], Expression[3]); END; SYMBOL UnOpr INHERITS OperatorSymbol END; RULE: Expression ::= UnOpr Expression COMPUTE MonadicContext (Expression[1], UnOpr, Expression[2]); END; This macro is invoked in definition 36.
The key of the identified operation could be obtained by
Operator.con[32]== Expression syntax[138] This macro is attached to a product file. Operator.sym[33]== Operators[139] This macro is attached to a product file. Indications.lido[34]== Operator Indications[28] This macro is attached to a product file. Operator.oil[35]== Oil Operation Signatures[29] Oil indications[30] This macro is attached to a product file. Operator.lido[36]== Operator contexts[31] This macro is attached to a product file.