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Translation Tasks
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Pattern-based Text GeneratorA Complete ExampleIn this chapter we demonstrate the use of PTG for translating a simple assignment language into C code. This example shows PTG techniques in the context of a complete translator specification. It especially demonstrates how PTG patterns are applied in LIDO specifications.
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Source Language StructurePrograms of this example language are sequences of assignments, input statements, and output statements, like simple[1]== input a; output a; x := a + 1; y := x - 5; output x; output y + x; This macro is attached to a product file.
The values of variables and expressions are integral numbers.
There are only the binary operators simple.out[2]== #include <stdio.h> int a = 0, x = 0, y = 0; int main (void) { scanf ("%d", &(a)); printf ("%d\n",a); x = a+1; y = x-5; printf ("%d\n",x); printf ("%d\n",y+x); exit (0); } This macro is attached to a product file. The structure of the source programs is specified by the following concrete grammar: Program.con[3]== Program: Statement*. Statement: Variable ':=' Expression ';'. Statement: 'input' Variable ';'. Statement: 'output' Expression ';'. Expression: Expression Operator Operand / Operand. Operator: '+' / '-'. Operand: Variable. Operand: IntLit. Variable: Ident. This macro is attached to a product file.
In the tree grammar Expr.sym[4]== Expression ::= Operand . This macro is attached to a product file.
Identifier tokens, number literals, and comments are denoted as
in Pascal, as stated by the following type Mini.gla[5]== Ident: PASCAL_IDENTIFIER IntLit: PASCAL_INTEGER PASCAL_COMMENT This macro is attached to a product file.
Program FrameIn this section the overall structure of the target programs is specified, the name of the output file is determined, and its contents is produced by a PTG output function. We first specify a pattern for target program frame: Frame.ptg[6]== Frame: "#include <stdio.h>\n\n" $1 /* declarations */ "\nint main (void) {\n\n" $2 /* statements */ "\nexit (0);\n}\n" This macro is attached to a product file.
It has two insertion points, one for variable declarations
and one for the statement sequence.
The text to be inserted is obtained from the attributes
TransProg.lido[7]== ATTR DeclPtg, StmtPtg: PTGNode; SYMBOL Program COMPUTE PTGOutFile (CatStrStr(SRCFILE, ".c"), PTGFrame (THIS.DeclPtg, THIS.StmtPtg)); END; This macro is attached to a product file.
The above call of the output function TransProg.specs[8]== $/Tech/Strings.specs This macro is attached to a product file.
The macro TransProg.head[9]== #include "source.h" This macro is attached to a product file.
ExpressionsIn this section we specify the translation of expressions. Target expressions are composed by applications of patterns that construct the text in a bottom-up way, i.e. from the leaves up to the complete expression. In our simple example this translation is one-to-one as specified by the three patterns: TransExpr.ptg[10]== BinOperation: $ $ $ Number: $ int String: $ string This macro is attached to a product file.
These patterns are applied in computations of TransExpr.lido[11]== ATTR Ptg: PTGNode; RULE: Expression ::= Expression Operator Expression COMPUTE Expression[1].Ptg = PTGBinOperation ( Expression[2].Ptg, Operator.Ptg, Expression[3].Ptg); END; RULE: Operator ::= '+' COMPUTE Operator.Ptg = PTGString ("+"); END; RULE: Operator ::= '-' COMPUTE Operator.Ptg = PTGString ("-"); END; RULE: Expression ::= Variable COMPUTE Expression.Ptg = Variable.Ptg; END; RULE: Expression ::= IntLit COMPUTE Expression.Ptg = PTGNumber (IntLit); END; RULE: Variable ::= Ident COMPUTE Variable.Ptg = PTGString (StringTable (Ident)); END; ATTR Sym: int; This macro is attached to a product file.
The last two computations use values obtained from named terminal
In this sections the translation of statement sequences is shown.
The LIDO Assignments, input statements, and output statements are translated by the following patterns: TransStmt.ptg[12]== AssignStmt: $1 /* lhs */ " = " $2 /* rhs */ ";\n" InputStmt: "scanf (\"%d\", &(" $1 /* variable */ "));\n" OutPutStmt: "printf (\"%d\\n\"," $1 /* expression */ ");\n" Seq: $ $ This macro is attached to a product file. The last pattern is used to combine two text components (statement sequences in this case) into one (see See Output of Sequences).
A TransStChn.lido[13]== CHAIN StmtChn: PTGNode; SYMBOL Program COMPUTE CHAINSTART HEAD.StmtChn = PTGNULL; SYNT.StmtPtg = TAIL.StmtChn; END; This macro is attached to a product file.
In each of the three statement contexts the translation
is produced by application of the corresponding pattern
and appended to the end of the TransStmt.lido[14]== RULE: Statement ::= Variable ':=' Expression ';' COMPUTE Statement.StmtChn = PTGSeq (Statement.StmtChn, PTGAssignStmt (Variable.Ptg, Expression.Ptg)); END; RULE: Statement ::= 'input' Variable ';' COMPUTE Statement.StmtChn = PTGSeq (Statement.StmtChn, PTGInputStmt (Variable.Ptg)); END; RULE: Statement ::= 'output' Expression ';' COMPUTE Statement.StmtChn = PTGSeq (Statement.StmtChn, PTGOutPutStmt (Expression.Ptg)); END; This macro is attached to a product file.
In this section the construction of a declarator sequence is
described using the LIDO The source language does not have declarations; variables are introduced by just using them. Hence, we have to generate declarations in the target program, one for each variable that occurs in the source. A variable may occur several times, but its declaration must be generated only once. For that purpose each variable is identified by a key which is associated to every occurrence of the variable.
This task is an instance of a name analysis task. We
can use the ScopeLib.specs[15]== $/Name/AlgScope.gnrc:inst This macro is attached to a product file.
The computational role Scope.lido[16]== SYMBOL Variable INHERITS IdDefScope COMPUTE SYNT.Sym = TERM; END; This macro is attached to a product file.
The computations of that module yield an attribute
We now associate a property Decl.pdl[17]== IsDeclared: int; This macro is attached to a product file.
It describes a state of that variable with respect to the
translation process: A declaration is only produced if
VarDecl.lido[18]== RULE: Variable ::= Ident COMPUTE Variable.DeclPtg = IF (GetIsDeclared (Variable.Key, 0), PTGNULL, ORDER (ResetIsDeclared (Variable.Key, 1), PTGDeclVariable (StringTable (Ident)))); END; This macro is attached to a product file.
The pattern Decl.ptg[19]== DeclVariable: $ string " = 0" Declaration: "int " $ ";\n" This macro is attached to a product file. The second pattern constitutes a complete declaration where the declarator list is inserted.
The declarator list is collected in the ProgDecl.lido[20]== SYMBOL Program COMPUTE SYNT.DeclPtg = PTGDeclaration ( CONSTITUENTS Variable.DeclPtg WITH (PTGNode, PTGCommaSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull)); END; This macro is attached to a product file.
The Comma.ptg[21]== CommaSeq: $ {", "} $ This macro is attached to a product file.