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Translation Tasks
Association of properties to definitionsDeferred Property AssociationThis module implements the technique of deferred property association: Many languages have constructs that define an identifier to denote the same object as another, different identifier does. Properties accessed or set via the one key should yield the same results or effects as if the other key was used. Typical examples for such constructs are type definitions or constant definitions. The module is instantiated by $/Type/Defer.gnrc +referto=KEY :instThe referto parameter modifies the names
of Key attributes, and hence, has to be the same as the
referto parameter used for the module instance that supplied
those attributes.
The roles of this module relate keys to each other which represent the same object. That relation has to be acyclic. The properties are associated to the keys at the ends of those relation chains. A function is provided that walks down the chain when accessing a property from any of the related keys. This technique also decouples the computations which establish the equivalence between keys from those which associate properties to keys. It avoids cyclic dependencies between computations in cases where properties of entities may be defined recursively, e.g. recursively defined types.
The property
Setting a property to a key that may be an end of a
If properties are accessed for a key
This module uses the The module provides the following computational roles: