New Features of Eli Version 4.8

The top level of the Eli system has been refactored to combine the
primary input file open operation with the tree-building operation.
With this refactoring, the driver of an Eli-generated processor first
invokes a routine to parse the
command line
(see Command Line Processing).
It then executes any code supplied via
``m'.init' files
(see Implementing Tree Computations of LIDO -- Computations in Trees).
At this point, the driver invokes the
TREEBUILD routine.
TREEBUILD opens the primary input file, and uses the generated
scanner and parser to build the abstract syntax tree.
If there were no reports above the
WARNING severity level
(see Source Text Coordinates and Error Reporting of Library Reference),
then the driver invokes the
ATTREVAL routine to perform the specified computation
over the constructed tree.
Finally, any code supplied via
``m'.finl' files is executed
(see Implementing Tree Computations of LIDO -- Computations in Trees).
This refactoring allows one to replace TREEBUILD with any code
that builds a tree conforming to some LIDO definition
(see Tree Construction Functions of LIDO - Reference Manual).
That code will usually have its own input module, and may or may not access
command line parameters
(see Accessing the command line of Command Line Processor).
