New Features of Eli Version 4.6

Eli is a collection of
packages that define sets of
tools and workflow patterns.
The actual generation process is handled by
a program designed to manage a collection of artifacts and tools
to provide products that are up-to-date
with respect to all of the raw material on which they are based.
Many of the packages included in the Eli distribution define tools and
workflow patterns that, although they support text-processor generation,
are useful for other applications.
Version 4.6 simplifies the processes of modifying existing packages
and of adding new packages to take advantage of these facilities.
We are also making additional packages available individually in
conjunction with the standard Eli distribution.
These additional packages are distributed as tar files whose names begin
with pkg- .
For those interested in constructing their own packages, the best reference
is the book Generating Software from Specifications
(see ).
