New Features of Eli Version 4.5

The name analysis modules that support scopes being properties
and scopes being inherited
have been updated mainly in oder to fit together with the
updated modules for type analysis.
In the module ScopeProp the following role names have been changed:
ExportRange replaces RangeScopeProp ,
QualIdUse replaces IdUseScopeProp .
ChkQualIdUse has been added.
Furthermore, the dependence pattern used for the computations of the
module roles have been changed to a less restrictive one.
The module AlgScopeProp has been removed. The module ScopeProp
is to be used instead.
In the module CScopeProp the role names are adapted to those of
ScopeProp .
The module BuScopeProp has been left unchanged.
In the module AlgInh the following role names have been changed:
InhRange replaces RangeSnglInh and RangeMulInh ,
ChkQualIdUse replaces ChkIdUseScopeProp .
A new role ExportInhRange combines InhRange and
ExportInhRange . RangeQualInhScope has been deleted.
Inheritscope now does not require to compute
Inheritscope.OuterScope by a user computation,
Inheritscope.ScopeKey may be computed instead.
In the module CInh the role names are adapted to those of
AlgInh .
The module BuInh has been left unchanged.
For further information see the Name Analysis documentation
see Overview of Name Analysis Reference Manual.
and the
see Overview of Tutorial on Name Analysis.
