New Features of Eli Version 4.4

The name analysis modules which support scopes being properties of program
entities have been reconsidered. (They are used for example to bind identifier
occurrences in qualified names.) A new module ScopeProp has been added
to the three existing ones
(AlgScopeProp , CScopeProp , BuScopeProp ).
ScopeProp fits to any of the basic scope rule modules,
Alg-like, C-like, or bottom-up. It does not impose any ordering
restriction that would require the definition of a member to occur before
its qualified use. It is recommended to use this module instead of
any of the other three. Even in case that such a restriction is intended,
one can use this module and enforce that restriction by
a check of the related positions. The three specific modules are kept
in order not to invalidate existing specifications.
