New Features of Eli Version 4.2

Two typesetter pragmas have been added to FunnelWeb:
@p typesetter = latex
@p typesetter = latex2html
These pragmas cause the derivation :fwTex to create text
acceptable to LaTeX and latex2html respectively. They are identical as
far as the treatment of text is concerned, but differ in how they handle
FunnelWeb macro definitions and invocations. In both cases, normal
LaTeX and latex2html markup can be used in the text portions. Macro
definitions and calls are implemented using LaTeX markup when
latex is specified, and latex2html markup when latex2html
is specified.
In both cases the user must supply an appropriate LaTeX preamble,
\begin{document} and \end{document} as part of the
document text. This means that it is possible to combine the outputs
from several :fwTex derivations into a single document by using
appropriate LaTeX \input commands.
The preamble must include the LaTeX command \usepackage{alltt}
for either of these pragmas, and latex2html also requires
\usepackage{html} .
The FunnelWeb section directives are normally translated to LaTeX
sectioning commands as follows:
@A \section
@B \subsection
@C \subsubsection
@D \paragraph
@E \subparagraph
If the +chapter parameter is passed to the :fwTex derivation,
however, the translation is:
@A \chapter
@B \section
@C \subsection
@D \subsubsection
@E \paragraph
