General Information
Reference Manuals
Translation Tasks
New Features of Eli4.0

- Optional Patterns
- In a PTG-Specification rule, optional parts can now be
specified. These optional parts will be printed only, if all insertions
actually yield output. This can be applied to simplify list
construction, see Optional parts of patterns of PTG -- a Pattern-based Text Generator.
Additionally, a pattern-construction-function yields the special value
PTGNULL , if its output would be empty. This makes it possible
to check a PTGNode for empty output,
- Postprocessing
- PTG now processes it's output by generating applications of a set of
output macros. This enables postprocessing the output, e.g. to
implement pretty printing or changing output destinations, e.g. to
process PTG-Output into an obstack buffer. Applications of this
techique are described in the Ptg and the ModLib-documentation, see
Influencing PTG Output of PTG - a Pattern-based Text Generator.
See Pretty Printing of Specification Module Library: Generating Output,
for an application for the PTG Postprocessing abilities.
