General Information
Reference Manuals
Translation Tasks
Name analysis according to scope rules

- AddIdn
- Operations to establish bindings
- Algol-like
- Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like basic scope rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- AlgRangeSeq
- Predefined Identifiers
- AlgScope
- Basic Scope Rules
- AnyScope
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- applied occurrences
- attribute Bind
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute GotInhScopes
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- attribute
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute GotScopeProp
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Scope Properties C-like
- attribute GotVisibleKeys
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- attribute GotVisibleKeysNest
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- attribute InheritOk
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Inheritance of Scopes
- attribute InhPrecond
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- attribute InnerScope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- attribute
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute NewScope
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- attribute OpenPrecond
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- attribute OuterScope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- attribute
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- attribute ScopeKey
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- attribute
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- basic scope rules
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- Bind
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- BindIdn
- Operations to establish bindings
- binding
- Environment Module
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Exported types and values
- Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- BindingInEnv
- Operations to find bindings
- BindingInScope
- Operations to find bindings
- BindInScope
- Operations to establish bindings
- BindKey
- Operations to establish bindings
- BindKeyInScope
- Operations to establish bindings
- bottom-up
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Scope Properties C-like
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Joined Ranges C-like
- BuRangeSeq
- Joined Ranges C-like
- Predefined Identifiers
- BuScope
- Basic Scope Rules
- BuScopeProp
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- C-like
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like basic scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like inheritance bottom-up
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- ChkIdUse
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- ChkInherit
- Inheritance of Scopes
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- ChkInhIdUse
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- Inheritance of Scopes
- ChkInhIdUseScopeProp
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- ChkInhQualIdUse
- Inheritance of Scopes
- ChkQualIdUse
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- consistent renaming
- CRangeSeq
- Predefined Identifiers
- CreateNewScope
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- C-like Basic Scope Rules Computed Bottom-Up
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- CScope
- Basic Scope Rules
- CScopeProp
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- DeclaratorWithId
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- DefineIdn
- Operations to establish bindings
- defining occurrences
- DefinitionsOf
- Operations to examine environments
- DirectInherits
- Operations to examine environments
- Environment
- Exported types and values
- Environment Module
- Environment Module
- envmod
- Environment Module
- EnvOf
- Operations to examine environments
- EnvOfInherit
- Operations to examine environments
- examples
- Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- ExportInhRange
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- ExportRange
- Scope Properties C-like
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- flat range
- Basic Scope Rules
- function AddIdn
- Operations to establish bindings
- function BindIdn
- Operations to establish bindings
- function BindingInEnv
- Operations to find bindings
- function BindingInScope
- Operations to find bindings
- function BindInScope
- Operations to establish bindings
- function BindKey
- Operations to establish bindings
- function BindKeyInScope
- Operations to establish bindings
- function DefineIdn
- Operations to establish bindings
- function InheritClass
- Operations to establish inheritance
- function Inheritsfrom
- Operations to establish inheritance
- function KeyInEnv
- Operations to find bindings
- function KeyInScope
- Operations to find bindings
- function NextInhBinding
- Operations to find additional bindings
- function NextInhKey
- Operations to find additional bindings
- function OverridesBinding
- Operations to find additional bindings
- function PreDefine
- Predefined Identifiers
- Predefined Identifiers
- function PreDefineSym
- Predefined Identifiers
- Predefined Identifiers
- GetScope
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Scope Properties C-like
- GetScopeProp
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- GotInhScopes
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- GotVisibleKeys
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- GotVisibleKeysNest
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- IdDefScope
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- IdDefUse
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- identifier roles
- IdInDeclarator
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- IdnOf
- Operations to examine environments
- IdSetScopeProp
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- IdUseEnv
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- IdUseScope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- implicit definitions
- Basic Scope Rules
- inheritance
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- Environment Module
- inheritance of scopes
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- InheritClass
- Operations to establish inheritance
- Inheritance of Scopes
- InheritOk
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Inheritance of Scopes
- InheritPtr
- Exported types and values
- InheritScope
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Inheritance of Scopes
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Inheritsfrom
- Operations to establish inheritance
- InhPrecond
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- InhRange
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- InnerScope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- IsClass
- Operations to examine environments
- Joined Ranges
- Predefined Identifiers
- key
- KeyInEnv
- Operations to find bindings
- KeyInScope
- Operations to find bindings
- KeyOf
- Operations to examine environments
- KeyOfEnv
- Operations to examine environments
- Library
- Line
- Name Analysis Test
- missing definition
- Basic Scope Rules
- Module
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Module
- Joined Ranges
- Module
- Basic Scope Rules
- Module
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Module
- Joined Ranges C-like
- Module
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Module
- Scope Properties C-like
- Module
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- Module
- Joined Ranges Algol-like
- Module
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Module
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Module envmod
- Environment Module
- Module
- C-like Basic Scope Rules Computed Bottom-Up
- Module
- C-like Basic Scope Rules Computed Bottom-Up
- Module PreDefMod
- Predefined Identifiers
- Module
- Scopes Being Properties of Objects
- Module
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- name analysis
- name spaces
- Environment Module
- names
- nested ranges
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- NewEnv
- Operations to build the scope tree
- NewScope
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Operations to build the scope tree
- NextDefinition
- Operations to examine environments
- NextInhBinding
- Operations to find additional bindings
- NextInherit
- Operations to examine environments
- NextInhKey
- Operations to find additional bindings
- NoBinding
- Exported types and values
- NoEnv
- Exported types and values
- NoInherit
- Exported types and values
- OpenElemScope
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- OpenNewScope
- C-like Basic Scope Rules Computed Bottom-Up
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- OpenPrecond
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- OpenSeqScope
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- OuterScope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- OverridesBinding
- Operations to find additional bindings
- ParentOf
- Operations to examine environments
- PreDefBind
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefine
- Predefined Identifiers
- Predefined Identifiers
- predefined identifiers
- C-like Basic Scope Rules Computed Bottom-Up
- PreDefineSym
- Predefined Identifiers
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefKey
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefKeyBind
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefMod
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefSym
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefSymKey
- Predefined Identifiers
- PreDefSymKeyBind
- Predefined Identifiers
- property Line
- Name Analysis Test
- property Scope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- QualIdUse
- Scope Properties without left-to-right Restrictions
- Inheritance with C-like Scope Rules
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Inheritance with Algol-like Scope Rules
- Scope Properties C-like
- RangeElement
- Joined Ranges
- RangeScope
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- Basic Scope Rules
- RangeSequence
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- Joined Ranges
- RecentNewScope
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- C-like Basic Scope Rules Computed Bottom-Up
- root environment
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Predefined Identifiers
- root symbol
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- RootEnv
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Predefined Identifiers
- RootScope
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- running example
- Basic Scope Rules
- Scope
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Environment Module
- scope properties
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- scope rules
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- ScopeKey
- Inheritance of Scopes
- Scope Properties C-like Bottom-Up
- ScopeProp
- Joined Ranges C-like Bottom-up
- separate name space
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- SetKeyOfEnv
- Operations to examine environments
- terminals
- test output
- C-like Inheritance Bottom-Up
- tree grammar
- type Binding
- Algol-like Basic Scope Rules
- Basic Scope Rules
- C-like Basic Scope Rules
- Exported types and values
- type Environment
- Exported types and values
- type InheritPtr
- Exported types and values
