LIDO - Reference Manual

This is a reference manual for LIDO, a language for the specification of
computations in trees. It is used to specify all computations of the analysis
phase and the translation phase of a language processor, which are to be
executed on the abstract tree. The main purpose of a LIDO specification is to
describe which computations have to be executed in which tree context, how those
computations depend on each other, and which values are propagated from one
computation to another. The functions called in computations and the types of
propagated values are implemented in C; those implementations are not part of a
LIDO specification.
The LIGA system processes a LIDO specification and generates an evaluator
in form of a
C module from it. LIGA automatically determines a tree walk strategy and the
evaluation order of computations on the base of the specified dependencies.
Attribute grammars are the formal model for this process.
This document is intended to provide precise definitions of LIDO constructs
and of rules of the language LIDO. For studying the use of LIDO in
more complex and complete translation specifications we recommend
to read the explained example specifications in
$/Name/Examples/AlgLike.fw and in
Other documents related to LIDO are:
