Tasks related to input processing

The Include module defines command line parameters
to specify directories that might contain files to be included.
It does this by exporting the following CLP specification
(see Specifying the command line interface of Command line processing):
IncludeDirs "-I" joinedto strings
"Directories to search for included files";
Source input
"Primary input file";
The general form of a command line that can be recognized using this
CLP specification is:
- A program name, followed by
- An arbitrary number of
-I options, followed by
- A single file name.
For example, suppose that the developer uses Eli to generate a
processor called DemoProc .
DemoProc accepts text written in a language called Demo ,
and Demo defines inclusion commands.
A user has a Demo text file DemoText that might contain
inclusion commands for files found in the directories subDir and
/usr/local/etc .
Here is the appropriate command line:
DemoProc -IsubDir -I/usr/local/etc DemoText
If a directory name does not begin with the character /, then that
name is considered to be relative to the current directory.
Thus, in this example, subDir must be a subdirectory of the current
directory and /usr/local/etc is probably a system directory.
Please note that the CLP specification introduced by the Include
module contains an input parameter
(see Input parameters of Command line processing).
If the Include module is instantiated in a context containing
its own CLP specification with an input parameter, the input
parameter in that CLP specification must be deleted.
If the context contains any reference to the name of the deleted input
parameter, that reference must be changed to reference Source .
