General Information
Reference Manuals
Translation Tasks
Name Analysis Reference Manual

- abstract syntax tree
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- Representation of ranges
- The state of an instantiation
- acceptable binding, check for
- The generic lookup
- AcceptBinding
- Is the binding acceptable?
- accumulating attribute
- The state of an instantiation
- addEdge
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- AnyScope
- The AnyScope role
- Defining Occurrences
- Worklist search
- The RangeScope role
- Information access
- applied occurrence
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- Applied Occurrences
- Deciding among possible bindings
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- Information access
- Name Analysis Testing
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Worklist search
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Interaction with type analysis
- attribute dependence
- Application Program Interface
- Interaction with type analysis
- attribute, accumulating
- The state of an instantiation
- basic symbol
- Representation of identifiers
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- Bind
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- The generic lookup
- Is the binding acceptable?
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Defining Occurrences
- Interaction with type analysis
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Worklist search
- Scope graphs
- binding
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- binding, check for acceptable
- The generic lookup
- bound edge
- The state of an instantiation
- BoundEdge
- Path edge creation roles
- CallBackDTKFct
- Useful graph operations
- check for acceptable binding
- The generic lookup
- CheckPaths
- Useful graph operations
- CheckPathsNsp
- Useful graph operations
- ChkIdUse
- Report an unsuccessful search
- Applied Occurrences
- Report an unsuccessful search
- complete scope graph
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Applied Occurrences
- computational role
- Worklist search
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- The state of an instantiation
- concrete grammar
- Representation of identifiers
- concrete syntax
- Representation of identifiers
- context, syntactic
- The generic lookup
- Coord
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Defining Occurrences
- Information access
- Applied Occurrences
- CoordPtr
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Information access
- Defining Occurrences
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- defining occurrence
- Name Analysis Testing
- Worklist search
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Defining Occurrences
- The state of an instantiation
- Applied Occurrences
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- The state of an instantiation
- definition table
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- definition table key
- Obtain a range from a qualifier
- The RangeScope role
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Useful graph operations
- Interaction with type analysis
- Is the binding acceptable?
- Useful graph operations
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- Information access
- Deciding among possible bindings
- Name Analysis Testing
- DefTableKey
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- The RangeScope role
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- Obtain a range from a qualifier
- Report an unsuccessful search
- Path edge creation roles
- Is the binding acceptable?
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- Name Analysis Testing
- Applied Occurrences
- Initialization and finalization
- Graph-complete search
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Useful graph operations
- Defining Occurrences
- The RootScope role
- DefTableKeyList
- Deciding among possible bindings
- dependence among attributes
- Interaction with type analysis
- Application Program Interface
- dependence among tasks
- The state of an instantiation
- DependsOn
- Worklist search
- developer-coded functions
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- DFSCompleteFrom
- Useful graph operations
- DisambiguateGraphs
- Deciding among possible bindings
- DisambiguatePaths
- Deciding among possible bindings
- disambiguation
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- The generic lookup
- doProof
- Name Analysis Testing
- edge
- Scope graphs
- edge tail
- Worklist search
- Scope graphs
- Applied Occurrences
- Path edge creation roles
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Interaction with type analysis
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- edge tip
- Worklist search
- Scope graphs
- The RangeScope role
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- The OutSideInDeps role
- The state of an instantiation
- Interaction with type analysis
- Is the binding acceptable?
- Path edge creation roles
- Applied Occurrences
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- edge, parent
- The generic lookup
- EdgeKey
- Worklist search
- Path edge creation roles
- The OutSideInDeps role
- EdgeLabel
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Worklist search
- Path edge creation roles
- Eli's Typing module
- Interaction with type analysis
- entity
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- The RangeScope role
- The RangeScope role
- Env
- Worklist search
- The AnyScope role
- Defining Occurrences
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Graph-complete search
- The RootScope role
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Useful graph operations
- The RangeScope role
- extension function
- Graph-complete search
- fictitious outer block
- The RootScope role
- finalization
- Initialization and finalization
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- FPAddEdge
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- Functions that search complete graphs
- FPInsertDef
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- FPItem
- Worklist search
- FPItemPtr
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- The state of an instantiation
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Worklist search
- FPLookupPlain
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- FPLookupQual
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- FromNodeTuple
- Worklist search
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Path edge creation roles
- functions, developer-coded
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- GCLocalName
- Graph-complete search
- GCLookupLocalId
- Functions that search complete graphs
- GCLookupPlainId
- Functions that search complete graphs
- GCLookupQualId
- Functions that search complete graphs
- GCPathReachable
- Useful graph operations
- GCQualName
- Graph-complete search
- Obtain a range from a qualifier
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- GCSimpleName
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Information access
- Graph-complete search
- getFPEdgeKey
- Functions that search complete graphs
- getFPItemDone
- Functions that search complete graphs
- getFPItemKey
- Functions that search complete graphs
- GotDefKeyProp
- Defining Occurrences
- GotEnv
- The RootScope role
- GotUseKeyProp
- Applied Occurrences
- Information access
- graph, scope
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- Graph-complete search
- Applied Occurrences
- GraphIndex
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Information access
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- GraphsDescrPtr
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- The state of an instantiation
- HidesNestAndPaths
- Useful graph operations
- HidesOnPaths
- Useful graph operations
- IdDefScope
- Defining Occurrences
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- identifier
- Representation of identifiers
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- identifier binding
- Information access
- Deciding among possible bindings
- Useful graph operations
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- Is the binding acceptable?
- identifier, kind of
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Scope graphs
- identifier, overloaded
- Interaction with type analysis
- identifier, qualified
- The generic lookup
- IgnoreContinue
- Useful graph operations
- Is the binding acceptable?
- IgnoreSkipPath
- Is the binding acceptable?
- indication
- Interaction with type analysis
- indivisible operation
- The state of an instantiation
- inheritance
- Applied Occurrences
- initialization
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- Initialization and finalization
- input text
- Representation of identifiers
- isAcceptablePath
- Is the binding acceptable?
- Useful graph operations
- Useful graph operations
- isAcceptableQualified
- Is the binding acceptable?
- isAcceptableSimple
- Is the binding acceptable?
- isomorphic scope graphs
- Scope graphs
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- The state of an instantiation
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Java anonymous class
- Interaction with type analysis
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Key
- Name Analysis Testing
- Applied Occurrences
- Defining Occurrences
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- keyword
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- kind of identifier
- Scope graphs
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- known key
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- label
- Path edge creation roles
- Worklist search
- The OutSideInDeps role
- label, path edge
- The generic lookup
- Scope graphs
- LangSpecFct.h
- Useful graph operations
- local name
- Graph-complete search
- LookupBegin
- Initialization and finalization
- LookupComplete
- Initialization and finalization
- MakeName module
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- MaxIsoGraphs
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- MaxKindsPathEdge
- The generic lookup
- missing edges
- Applied Occurrences
- ModelExport.h
- Application Program Interface
- module instantiation
- Scope graphs
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Name Analysis Testing
- The state of an instantiation
- module MakeName
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- module ScopeGraphs
- module SGPreDefId
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- module SGProof
- Name Analysis Testing
- msg
- Name Analysis Testing
- NABindIdn
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- name, type-qualified
- Interaction with type analysis
- The state of an instantiation
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- nested scopes
- Representation of ranges
- newNodeTuple
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- NodeTupleOwnerKey
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- NodeTuplePtr
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- The RootScope role
- The RangeScope role
- Obtain a range from a qualifier
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- The state of an instantiation
- Graph-complete search
- Worklist search
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- Defining Occurrences
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Worklist search
- Useful graph operations
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Path edge creation roles
- nonterminal symbol
- Representation of ranges
- NoteKey
- Name Analysis Testing
- NumberOfIsoGraphs
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- OutSideInDeps
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- The state of an instantiation
- Interaction with type analysis
- Functions that search complete graphs
- The OutSideInDeps role
- OutSideInDeps.GotEntityTypes
- Interaction with type analysis
- overloaded identifier
- Interaction with type analysis
- OwnedNodeTuple
- The RangeScope role
- OwnerKeyOfNodeTuple
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- The RangeScope role
- OwnerKeyOfOneNode
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Parent
- The RangeScope role
- parent edge
- Worklist search
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- The RangeScope role
- Graph-complete search
- Scope graphs
- Useful graph operations
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- The state of an instantiation
- Is the binding acceptable?
- The generic lookup
- ParentOfNodeTuple
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- parse tree
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- Pascal
with statement
- Interaction with type analysis
- The OutSideInDeps role
- path edge
- Useful graph operations
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- Interaction with type analysis
- Applied Occurrences
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Path edge creation roles
- Scope graphs
- Worklist search
- The state of an instantiation
- Is the binding acceptable?
- The OutSideInDeps role
- path edge label
- Scope graphs
- The generic lookup
- post-condition
- Application Program Interface
- The state of an instantiation
- Name Analysis Testing
- pre-condition
- The state of an instantiation
- Application Program Interface
- pre-defined identifier
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefKey
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefKeyEnv
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefKeyEnvNdx
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefKeyNdx
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefSym
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefSymKey
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefSymKeyEnv
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefSymKeyEnvNdx
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- PreDefSymKeyNdx
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- qualified identifier
- Worklist search
- Graph-complete search
- The generic lookup
- Is the binding acceptable?
- qualifier
- Functions that search complete graphs
- range
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- The AnyScope role
- Defining Occurrences
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- The state of an instantiation
- Graph-complete search
- Functions that search complete graphs
- Representation of ranges
- Useful graph operations
- Obtain a range from a qualifier
- Path edge creation roles
- Applied Occurrences
- Scope graphs
- Information access
- The RangeScope role
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Functions that initiate worklist operations
- RangeScope
- Useful graph operations
- The AnyScope role
- The RangeScope role
- The OutSideInDeps role
- reachableNode
- Useful graph operations
- RootScope
- The state of an instantiation
- The AnyScope role
- The RootScope role
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- scope
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- Worklist search
- scope graph
- Scope graphs
- Useful graph operations
- The state of an instantiation
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- scope graph index
- Information access
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- scope graphs, isomorphic
- Scope graphs
- ScopeGraphs module
- Tree Grammar Preconditions
- ScopeGraphs module instantiation
- Scope graphs
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- ScopeGraphs.h
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- ScopeKey
- The RootScope role
- The RangeScope role
- Useful graph operations
- Graph-complete search
- ScopeNodePtr
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- The state of an instantiation
- SelectNode
- Functions that create nodes, edges, and bindings
- semantic information
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- SetTypeOfEntity
- Interaction with type analysis
- SGPreDefId module
- Pre-defined Identifiers
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- SGPreDefine
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- SGPreDefineNode
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- SGPreDefineSym
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- SGPreDefMod.h
- Functions that pre-define symbols
- SGProof module
- Name Analysis Testing
- simple identifier
- Is the binding acceptable?
- Graph-complete search
- Worklist search
- strong context
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Sym
- Applied Occurrences
- Worklist search
- Information access
- Name Analysis Testing
- Defining Occurrences
- Functions that search complete graphs
- symbol, basic
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- SymErr
- Report an unsuccessful search
- SymMsg
- Report an unsuccessful search
- syntactic context
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- The generic lookup
- tailEnv
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Worklist search
- Path edge creation roles
- task dependence
- The state of an instantiation
- terminal symbol
- Representation of identifiers
- tipEnv
- The OutSideInDeps role
- tipFPItem
- Worklist search
- toEnv
- Worklist search
- Path edge creation roles
- The OutSideInDeps role
- ToNodeTuple
- Worklist search
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Path edge creation roles
- tree, abstract syntax
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- type analysis
- The state of an instantiation
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- type analyzer
- Interaction with type analysis
- type-qualified name
- Establishing the Structure of a Scope Graph
- The OutSideInDeps role
- Interaction with type analysis
- type-qualified names
- The state of an instantiation
- TypedDefId
- Interaction with type analysis
- TypedUseId
- Interaction with type analysis
- TypeIsSet
- Interaction with type analysis
- Typing module
- Interaction with type analysis
- universe
- Fundamentals of Name Analysis
- unsuccessful search
- Report an unsuccessful search
- UseKey
- Applied Occurrences
- visibility
- Implementing Language-Specific Behavior
- Representation of ranges
- The RootScope role
- weak context
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Deciding among possible bindings
- WLCreateEdge
- Worklist search
- WLInsertDef
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Worklist search
- WLQualName
- Obtain a range from a qualifier
- Worklist search
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- WLSimpleName
- Isomorphic Scope Graphs
- Worklist search
- Worklist search
- Applied Occurrences
- worklist task
- The state of an instantiation
- The state of an instantiation
