Remote Attribute Access: CONSTITUENT/S
Accessing a single attribute from a subtree of the current context
[ SymbolRef ] 'CONSTITUENT'
RemAttrList [ ShieldClause ]
Accessing multiple attributes from a subtree of the current context
[ SymbolRef ] 'CONSTITUENTS'
RemAttrList [ ShieldClause ]
WITH' '(' TypeName ',' CombFctName ','
SingleFctName ',' NullFctName ')'
Typical Error Situation
- No unique target attribute for a CONSTITUENT clause
==> ERROR: multiple CONSTITUENT symbols
- Using remote attributes with different attribute type in the CONSTITUENTS list.
==> ERROR: type conflict in CONSTITUENT(S)
- Accessing more than one attribute of a symbol
==> ERROR: Remote access to two attributes of one symbol
- Shielding errors, e.g. forgetting to turn of default shielding behavior
by SHIELD().
- Errors implementing the WITH clause (C/C++ functions)
In conjunction with symbol computations
CONSTITUENTS (C.a) /* C is a CLASS symbol */
stands for
CONSTITUENTS (X1.a, X2.a, X3.a, ...)
for all Xi that C is inherited to.
This list of refered attributes may be empty.
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