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Typed identifiers

Fields, local variables, and formal parameters are the only typed identifiers in Java. Formal parameters are considered to be variables, and their defining occurrences are represented by the nonterminal VariableDeclaratorId.

Typed identifiers[34]:
TREE SYMBOL FieldDeclarators    INHERITS TypedDefinition END;
TREE SYMBOL VariableDeclarators INHERITS TypedDefinition END;
TREE SYMBOL FormalParameter     INHERITS TypedDefinition END;

TREE SYMBOL FieldIdDef          INHERITS TypedDefId      END;
TREE SYMBOL VariableIdDef       INHERITS TypedDefId      END;
This macro is defined in definitions 34, 35, and 36.
This macro is invoked in definition 2.

All of the typed definitions get their type information from their context, and the simple identifier definitions reach up to those typed definitions.

Typed identifiers[35]:
RULE: FieldDeclaration ::= Modifiers Type FieldDeclarators ';' COMPUTE

RULE: LocalVariableDeclaration ::= 'final' Type VariableDeclarators COMPUTE

RULE: LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Type VariableDeclarators COMPUTE

RULE: FormalParameter ::= 'final' Type VariableDeclaratorId COMPUTE

RULE: FormalParameter ::= Type VariableDeclaratorId COMPUTE
This macro is defined in definitions 34, 35, and 36.
This macro is invoked in definition 2.

Java also allows a C-like declaration in which the dimensions follow the identifier. In fact, it is legal to mix the two. We implement this requirement by using the VariableDeclaratorId as a mechanism to provide the necessary type denotations (see Section 5.2.3 for the necessary definitions). If no dimension is attached to the variable, then the type is passed through unmodified:

Typed identifiers[36]:
TREE SYMBOL VariableDeclaratorId COMPUTE
  SYNT.Type=INCLUDING TypedDefinition.Type;

RULE: VariableDeclaratorId ::= VariableIdDef COMPUTE
This macro is defined in definitions 34, 35, and 36.
This macro is invoked in definition 2.

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