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Associating types with identifiers

Each type is represented by a definition table key, and these keys are related to the abstract syntax tree by the Eli Typing module:

Instantiate modules[29]:

$/Type/Typing.gnrc :inst
This macro is defined in definitions 29, 49, 50, and 51.
This macro is invoked in definition 3.

This module classifies identifiers as either ``typed'' (representing entities, such as variables, that have a type property) or ``type definition'' (representing types themselves). Each occurrence of the identifier is either a ``definition'', at which the type property is set, or a ``use'' at which it is made available.

Certain constructs are also classified as ``type denotations''. These are the constructs that build new types from existing types.

Associate types with identifiers[30]:

SYMBOL Declaration          INHERITS TypedDefinition               END;
SYMBOL Declarator           INHERITS TypedDefinition               END;

SYMBOL TagDef               INHERITS TypeDefDefId, ChkTypeDefDefId END;
SYMBOL TagUse               INHERITS TypeDefUseId, ChkTypeDefUseId END;
SYMBOL ForwardDef           INHERITS TypeDefDefId, ChkTypeDefDefId END;
SYMBOL ForwardUse           INHERITS TypeDefDefId, ChkTypeDefDefId END;

SYMBOL MemberIdDef          INHERITS TypedDefId                    END;

SYMBOL enumeration_constant INHERITS TypedDefId                    END;
SYMBOL IdDef                INHERITS TypedDefId                    END;
SYMBOL IdUse                INHERITS TypedUseId,   ChkTypedUseId   END;

SYMBOL TypeIdDef            INHERITS TypeDefDefId, ChkTypeDefDefId END;
SYMBOL TypeIdUse            INHERITS TypeDefUseId, ChkTypeDefUseId END;
This macro is defined in definitions 30, 31, 32, and 33.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

Definition table keys for derived types are created at tree nodes inheriting the TypeDenotation role of the Typing module, and passed to nodes inheriting other roles via attribute computations. Structures, unions and enumerations are specifiers; pointers, arrays, and functions are declarators.

Associate types with identifiers[31]:

ATTR IsStruct: int;

RULE: struct_or_union ::= 'struct' COMPUTE

RULE: struct_or_union ::= 'union' COMPUTE

SYMBOL struct_declaration_list INHERITS TypeDenotation, OperatorDefs COMPUTE
        InstClass0(TypeIs_Union, THIS.Type)),

RULE: struct_or_union_specifier ::=
        struct_or_union TagDef '{' struct_declaration_list '}' COMPUTE

RULE: struct_or_union_specifier ::=
        struct_or_union '{' struct_declaration_list '}' COMPUTE

RULE: struct_or_union_specifier ::= struct_or_union ForwardUse COMPUTE

SYMBOL enumerator_list INHERITS TypeDenotation, OperatorDefs COMPUTE

RULE: enum_specifier ::= 'enum' TagDef '{' enumerator_list '}' COMPUTE

RULE: enum_specifier ::= 'enum' '{' enumerator_list '}' COMPUTE

RULE: enum_specifier ::= 'enum' TagUse COMPUTE
This macro is defined in definitions 30, 31, 32, and 33.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

A type denoted by a specifier is independent of other types. Types denoted by declarator nodes, on the other hand, create a type by modifying another type. In each of these constructs, the original type comes from a set of specifiers. That original type is then passed through a nest of declarators, each of which creates a new type based on the type it receives.

Associate types with identifiers[32]:


TREE SYMBOL declaration INHERITS Declaration END;

RULE: declaration ::= Specifiers init_declarator_list_opt ';' COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL struct_declaration INHERITS Declaration END;

RULE: struct_declaration ::= Specifiers struct_declarator_list ';' COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL function_definition INHERITS Declaration END;

RULE: function_definition ::=
        Specifiers declaration_list FunctionDecl function_body COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL parameter_declaration INHERITS Declaration END;

RULE: parameter_declaration ::= Specifiers COMPUTE

RULE: parameter_declaration ::= Specifiers ParameterDecl COMPUTE

RULE: parameter_declaration ::= Specifiers abstract_declarator COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL par_declaration INHERITS Declaration END;

RULE: par_declaration ::= Specifiers par_id_decls ';' COMPUTE

TREE SYMBOL type_name INHERITS Declaration END;

RULE: type_name ::= Specifiers COMPUTE

RULE: type_name ::= Specifiers abstract_declarator COMPUTE
This macro is defined in definitions 30, 31, 32, and 33.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

ForwardDef and TagUse require special treatment. According to Section of the standard, each may define a new incomplete type. If the type is to be completed, a subsequent declaration can be given to specify the content. The strategy is to specify the type as the incomplete type void if and only if a type has not already been specified. When a type has already been specified, specify that type again. Since a construct in which the tag is followed by a bracketed list unconditionally set the type, that will override any type set in any other context.

Associate types with identifiers[33]:

SYMBOL ForwardType COMPUTE SYNT.Type=GetDefer(THIS.Key,TypeIs_void); END;
SYMBOL ForwardDef  INHERITS ForwardType END;
SYMBOL ForwardUse  INHERITS ForwardType END;
This macro is defined in definitions 30, 31, 32, and 33.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

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