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Identifier occurrences

Section of the standard says that tags are bound just after their appearance in the text, enumeration constants are bound after their enumerator, and any other identifier is bound after its declarator. This means that the IdDefScope computational role is sometimes inherited by an identifier occurrence, and sometimes by a larger construct with an identifier occurrence as a component.

The client of the name analysis modules must compute a Sym attribute for every node whose left-hand-side symbol inherits IdDefScope; IdDefScope attaches a Bind attribute and a Key attribute to that node.

Identifier occurrences that are components of larger constructs binding those identifiers inherit the IdInDeclarator role, which both acts as a source for the larger construct's Sym attribute and establishes a Key attribute for the identifier occurrence. The larger construct must inherit the DeclaratorWithId role, and there must be a 1-1 correspondence between a symbol inheriting DeclaratorWithId and one of its children that inherits IdInDeclarator.

Identifier occurrences[5]:

SYMBOL LabelDef      INHERITS IdentOcc, LabelIdDefScope  END;
SYMBOL LabelUse      INHERITS IdentOcc, LabelIdUseEnv    END;

SYMBOL TagDef        INHERITS IdentOcc, TagIdDefScope    END;
SYMBOL TagUse        INHERITS IdentOcc, TagIdUseEnv      END;
SYMBOL ForwardDef    INHERITS IdentOcc, TagIdDefScope    END;
SYMBOL ForwardUse    INHERITS IdentOcc, TagIdUseEnv      END;

SYMBOL MemberIdDef   INHERITS IdentOcc, MemberIdDefScope END;
SYMBOL MemberIdUse   INHERITS IdentOcc, MemberQualIdUse  END;

SYMBOL TypeIdDef     INHERITS IdentOcc, IdInDeclarator   END;
SYMBOL TypeIdUse     INHERITS IdentOcc, IdUseEnv         END;

SYMBOL InitDecl      INHERITS           DeclaratorWithId END;
SYMBOL FunctionDecl  INHERITS           DeclaratorWithId END;
SYMBOL ParameterDecl INHERITS           DeclaratorWithId END;
SYMBOL enumerator    INHERITS           DeclaratorWithId END;
SYMBOL enumeration_constant
                     INHERITS IdentOcc, IdInDeclarator   END;
SYMBOL IdDef         INHERITS IdentOcc, IdInDeclarator   END;
SYMBOL IdUse         INHERITS IdentOcc, IdUseEnv         END;
SYMBOL parameter_id  INHERITS IdentOcc, IdUseEnv         END;
This macro is defined in definitions 5, 6, and 7.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

A MemberIdUse is bound in the scope of the structure or union resulting from the expression preceeding the access operator:

Identifier occurrences[6]:

SYMBOL struct_declaration_list COMPUTE

This macro is defined in definitions 5, 6, and 7.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

The behavior of ForwardUse described in Section does not quite fit the IdUseEnv computational roles of the AlgScope module: There may be no defining occurrences of tag in its environment, but nevertheless it should have a binding. This can be arranged by creating a default binding in the root scope:

Identifier occurrences[7]:

RULE: ForwardUse ::= identifier
    BindIdn(INCLUDING Source.TagEnv,identifier);

    CONSTITUENTS ForwardUse.GotDefaultBinding <- THIS.TagGotLocKeys;
This macro is defined in definitions 5, 6, and 7.
This macro is invoked in definition 1.

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